
The Estate of Genesis Breyer P-Orridge
The Estate of Stephen Irwin
The Bob Mizer Foundation
The Estate of Alan Vega
The Estate of Timothy Wyllie

Michael Bühler-Rose
Vaginal Davis
Paul Gabrielli
Clarity Haynes
Cary Leibowitz
Vivienne Maricevic
Matthew Porter
Letitia Quesenberry
SHOPLIFTER / Hrafnhildur Arnardóttir

Vincent Tiley

(Works Exhibited By:) 
Kenneth Anger
Maria Antelman
Heather Benjamin
Tom Bianchi
Lucky DeBellevue
Michael DeJong
Jordan Eagles
Scott Daniel Ellison
Vincent Gallo
Al Hansen
Bibbe Hansen
Eric Heist
Jeff Ladouceur
Xao Lie Lie
David Anaya Maya
Jeremy Olson
Betsy Lin Seder
Aaron Michael Skolnick
Agathe Snow + Marianne Vitale
Gabriela Vainsencher
Marianne Vitale
Harald Zipfel