(May 14 - 18, 2025)
Somerset House
Strand, London WC2R 1LA

New Discretions at NADA Miami 2024
Breyer P-Orridge, Vaginal Davis, Jimmy DeSana, Jordan Eagles, Clarity Heynes, Vivienne Maricevic
(December 3 - 7, 2024)
NADA Miami, Ice Palace Studios, 1400 N Miami Ave, Miami, FL 33136

“You Really Let Yourself Go”
Cary Leibowitz
(October 17 – November 23, 2024)
515 W 20th Street, 3rd Floor

“I Want Your Skull”
Michael Bühler-Rose
(September 4 – October 20, 2024)
127 Henry Street
New York NY 10002
(September 5 - 8, 2024)
The Armory Show
Jacob Javitz Center
247 Centre Street #5
New York, NY 10013

“Flesh Becomes Stone”
Jerry the Marble Faun, Vincent Tiley
(June 6 – July 20, 2024)
515 W 20th Street, 3rd Floor

“I Miss the Future”
Maria Antelman, Justin Chance, Andy Coolquitt, Paul Gabrielli, Ben Godward, Joseph Heidecker, Michelle Lopez, LoVid, Brice Marden, Lucas Michael, Bob Mizer, Liz Nielsen, Jeremy Olson, Geof Oppenheimer, Matthew Porter, Letitia Quesenberry, Shoplifter, Joo Trevisan
(April 29 – May 28, 2023)
Foreland, Catskill NY

New Discretions x Asya Geisberg
Gabriela Vainsencher: Epic, Heroic, Orindary at Asya Geisberg Gallery(March 2 – April 15, 2023)
Asya Geisberg
New York NY

(March 2 – March 5, 2023)
Outsider Art Fair
New York NY

New Discretions x Intersect Palm Springs
Cary Leibowitz
(February 9 – 12, 2023)
Intersect Palm Springs
Palm Springs CA

New Discretions x NADA Miami 2022
Christina Kruse, Michael Bühler-Rose, Duncan Hannah, Matthew Porter, Tim Saccenti, Vincent Tiley(November 30 – December 3, 2022)
NADA 2022
Miami FL

The Venusians
Jesse Bransford, BREYER P-ORRIDGE, Elijah Burgher, Oliver Coran, Keturah Cummings, Frank Haines, Sholem Krishtalka, Anwar Mahdi, David(September 9 – October, 2022)
Come Again!
Berlin, DE
The Machine-Gunneress in a State of Grace:
Felix Beaudry, Hans Bellmer, E.V. Day, Aneta Grzeszyowska, Gordon Hall, Christina Kruse, Greer Lankton, Yeni Mao, David Anaya Maya, Douglas Rieger, Heidi Schwegler, Paul Shore, Vincent Tiley, Marianne Vitale
(July – July 24, 2022)
Catskill, NY, US

(April 5 – July 15, 2022)
Pionner Works
Brooklyn NY
Brooklyn NY

New Discretions x Future Fair 2022
Michael Buhler-Rose, Paul Gabriell, Clarity Haynes, Laure A. Leber, Cary Leibowit, Bob Mizer, Genesis Breyer P-Orridge, Matthew Porter, Letitia Quesenberry, Emily Mae Smith, Mickalene Thomas(May 5 – May 7, 2022)
Future Fair
New York NY
New York NY

New Discretions x Intersect Palm Springs
Tom Bianchi, Michael DeJong, Bob Mizer, Letitia Quesenberry(February 10 –February 13, 2022)
Palm Springs, CA

New Discretions x NADA Miami 2021
Clarity Haynes, Candy Factory (Eric Heist and Genesis Breier P-Orridge), Stephen Irwin, Letitia Quesenberry(December 1 – December 4, 2021)
New Art Dealers Association
Miami, FL
Miami, FL

New Discretions x Future Fair 2021
Jacopo Pagin and Cary Leibowitz(September 1 – September 17, 2021)
Future Fair
New York, NY
New York, NY

Exit Wounds
Stephen Irwin and Phoenix Lindsey-Hall(September 1 – October 27, 2021)
Marissa Newman
New York, NY
New York, NY
(June 9 – July 25, 2021)
New Discretions
New York, NY

Home Invasion: Funny Games
Lucas Ajemian, GENESIS BREYER P-ORRIDGE, Jared Buckhiester, Anne Buckwalter, Kathe Burkhart, Dietmar Busse, Jordan Eagles, Paul Gabrielli, Bibbe Hansen, Simon Henwood, J.4.CKY, Alex Jovanovich, Cary Leibowitz, Roxy Farman, Douglas Rieger, Vincent Tiley, Frances Waite, John Waters, David Wojnarowicz (March 1 – May 1, 2021)
New Discretions
New York, NY

Thedra Cullar Ledford, Paul Kremer, Matthew Porter
(March 10 – April 18, 2020)
Bill Arning Exhibitions
Houston, TX

Things on Walls
Justin Adian, Walt Cassidy, Peter Clough, Graham Collins, Lucky DeBellevue, Double Vision (Agathe Snow & Marianne Vitale), Paul Gabrielli, Christina Kruse, Cary Leibowitz, Jillian Mayer, Robert Melee, Douglas Rieger, Diana Shpungin, Trish Tillman, Unknown, Gabriela Vainsencher(January 3 – June 1, 2020)
New Discretions
New York, NY